Fluffy black and white puppies reminiscent of baby panda bears
are very tempting but are you prepared for the commitment of
taking one of these wonderful working dogs into your home for
its natural lifetime?
Border collies (B.C.) are extremely intelligent and active dogs
with a wonderful sense of humour. They evolved to work with one
master rather than the usual “pack”. They are loyal and
sensitive dogs and have an in-born desire to please their
master, so much so that the slightest reprimand from that
beloved person will upset them enormously. They have a natural
distrust of strangers which stems from their task of guarding
the sheep from stock thieves. There has been much negative
criticism of the B.C. often as a result of ill-informed owners
taking on these highly intelligent creatures with tremendous
stamina and making little if no attempt to meet their working
needs. Then when the unstimulated B.C. finds unsuitable ways of
coping with their boredom, they are labelled destructive and
This breed of dog dates back to between the 5th and 1st century
BC. They were genetically selected for their high stamina,
intelligence, agility, speed and their ability to think on their
feet and use their initiative. They were fed meagrely and do
best on diets low in protein. The ”light” diets sold at
veterinarians and vet shops are ideal as they meet all the dog’s
needs and you won’t have your collie climbing the walls. It
would be a very good idea for future would-be B.C. owners to go
and watch them herding sheep. This would make potential owners
realize that a dog bred to run up to 100 km a day herding sheep
is not going to be satisfied with two brief strolls around the
block each day.
Before taking on a B.C. be aware of the instinctive behaviours
of this breed:
Eyeing: A Border collie has been bred with the
ability to move stock many times its size by
merely staring at it. When stock is not
available then they may stare at a broom, a fly,
torch beams, shadows or the family cat. Anything
that moves can trigger ‘the eye’. This can
include other house pets and children.
Chasing: People, birds, aeroplanes, motorbikes,
cars, bicycles, cats and other pets can all take
the place of fleeing livestock.
Herding: A vital part of B.C. work is gathering
and rounding up livestock into a specific space.
In a pet collie this can be substituted by
rounding up guests, the gardener, other dogs,
children, cats and other family members.
Gripping / Nipping: This is used by the collie
to restrain a sheep or goad a stubborn sheep
along by holding or nipping the animal’s back
legs with its teeth.
All of these characteristics vary from collie to collie. Some
B.C.’s have little desire to work and will display fewer if any
of these traits, however it is wise to be aware that a collie
whose ancestors were selectively bred for these behaviours is
extremely likely to show up some of these talents.
There are few dogs more willing to please than a Border collie
but it is too much to expect a dog designed to work
unremittingly and with intelligent initiative to live happily
with an owner who has no wish to try to understand and find
outlets for their powerful instincts.
These are not hard and fast rules. For instance many children
from farming families are brought up with Border Collies but
they are taught to respect the dog as a dog and the
relationships flourish. There have also been first time dog
owners who have taken on a B.C. with commitment, knowledge and
consistent resolve to make a success of it and they have
If you are not prepared to put in the effort, steer clear of
Border collies as bored B.Cs are desperate, sad creatures which
through no fault of their own often end up at rescue centres.

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