Vet Hospital Port Shepstone Services

Vet Hospital Port Shepstone offers an extensive range of
veterinary related services at the hospital. We cater
for most pets, including dogs, cats and other small pet
mammals, parrots, pet snakes, pet lizards, pet monkeys,
hamsters, rats, mice and rabbits.
All Veterinary Related Services |
Bird Related
Veterinary Services |
services include, but is not limited to:
- Primary health care solutions
* Bona
fide clients only. Additional professional
surcharge fees apply.
We also offer any, or a combination of the following
advanced veterinary services:
* Bona
fide clients only. After hours consultations will
only be done at our premises. Additional professional
surcharge fees apply.
** No referral services
will be considered without a
pet medical
Although we are not bird specialists per se,
our staff and Veterinarians are trained and Vet Hospital
Port Shepstone is equipped to offer
"specialised" pet
avian services. These services include, but is not limited to:
- Primary care services
- Mani/Pedicure
- Mite & lice
- Vitamin
- Beak trimming
- Deworming
- Permanent bird identification
- Advanced pet Avian services
- PCR bird sexing
- Sick and injured pet
bird consultations
- Nutritional advice
- General anaesthesia
and monitoring
- Surgical procedures
- Ancillary diagnostic
- Complicated case work-ups
- In-house blood tests & Histopathology
- Radiography
- Specialised hospitalisation facilities
- Bird pharmacy
- After hours
emergency call outs*
- Envirocin pet cremation services
* Bona
fide clients only. After hours consultations will
only be done at our premises. Additional professional
surcharge fees apply.
For any additional services or
service related enquiries please phone our reception on
(039) 682 2433...

For new services, special offerings
and other pet health related information also make sure to
to our Newsletter.
Vet Hospital Port Shepstone is
proud to be in association with the following services
Also see: