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Cat & Dog Sterilisations
Sterilisation either
means spaying for female cats and dogs or neutering male cats
and dogs. Spaying, also
referred to as ovariohysterectomy (OHE), is the complete removal
of the female reproductive tract whereas neutering,
also referred to as castration or an orchidectomy,
is the removal of the testicles.
We at Vet Hospital Port Shepstone recommend early
sterilisations. In dogs and cats this makes them less
inclined to roam and prevents
them from having unwanted offspring. This then reduces the
chances of being hit by a motor vehicle or get involved in
fights with other
In dogs early sterilisation also prevents the transmission of
sexual transmitted diseases (such as TVTs) and in cats it
prevent bite related conditions such as
Feline Leukaemia
Virus (FeLV),
Feline AIDS and abscesses.
In male dogs neutering often stop
territorial marking and significantly
reduces the incidence of prostate problems. In tomcats it
spraying and bullying of other cats.
Early spayed female dogs can't develop uterine and
ovarian tumours, life threatening uterine infections (pyometras)
and chances to develop mammary cancers are significantly
The best age to sterilise your dog or cat is between five and
six months of age. This allows them to be strong enough to cope
with anaesthesia, but they haven’t had their first heat cycle or
reached puberty yet.
Because we do dozens of these operations bookings at at our
hospital at least one day in advance are essential. We prefer to
do sterilisations on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Fridays. Please withhold breakfast the morning of the procedure.
Your dog or cat should be admitted to hospital between 08:00 and
10:00 and if all goes well, he / she will be discharged between 16:00
and 18:00 on the same day. A staff member will inform you of the
progress after the operation. Also refer to the
Vet Hospital Port Shepstone Standard
Operating Procedures for additional information.
Male and female sterilisations are done under general
The spay operation entails the surgical removal of the ovaries,
oviducts, uterine horns and uterine body. Neutering
entails the surgical removal of the testicles from the scrotal
sac. Before the operation each animal undergoes
a pre-anaesthetic examination to eliminate obvious underlying
interfering diseases. At Vet Hospital Port Shepstone all animals
are given perioperative analgesia and all dogs are discharged
with painkillers to give at home (included in the total cost).
Spayed dogs and cats and neutered dogs will have stitches to be removed two weeks
from the operation. If you feel confident, you can do it
yourself, otherwise feel free to bring him back for a free
stitch removal. Neutered will have no
stitches after the operation.
Please make sure your dog or cat is treated for fleas at
least two days before the operation, otherwise, if necessary he/she
will be treated on the owner’s cost before the operation.
All spay and neuter prices are subsidised
for the welfare of the animal population in general.
For more information or prices please feel
free to consult the attending veterinarian, or speak to our
reception staff.
Also see:
Address 7 Reynolds Street, Port Shepstone, KZN, South
Africa -
Contact (039) 682 2433 -
Consulting Hours Mondays to Fridays 08:30 to
11:00 & 16:00 - 17:30, Saturdays 08:30 - 11:00,
Saturday afternoons, Sundays & Public Holidays
emergencies only
- Please phone for an appointment -
Doggie Bag Vet Shop Hours Mondays to Fridays 08:00
- 18:00, Saturdays 08:30 - 11:00, Sundays & Public Holidays none
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© 2011 - 2014 Vet Hospital Port Shepstone -
www.vet-portshepstone.co.za |