- Powders
- Shampoos
- Dips
- Collars
- Spot-ons / top spots
For the control of both ticks and fleas, we at Vet Hospital
Port Shepstone prefer the strategic use of long lasting top spot
products such as Frontline Plus, Certifect and Advantix.
Collars are an easy way to control ticks and fleas, but apart
from the obvious smell, collars are also risky to use on chewers
like puppies and for example Bull Terriers, Pit Bull
Terriers, Labradors, etc. Some collars are expensive and are reserved
for single or small amount of pets.
- Treat all the pets in the household
- Treat according to the recommended
frequency, not only when you see the problem
- Follow the product instructions carefully
- Use environmental control
- Use a top up treatment as necessary
(1) Make sure to treat all your household pets! That includes
dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, even if a pet does not "have
fleas". When your close neighbours have pets, theirs should
be treated too! When one animal is not treated it serves as a "blood
reservoir" for environmental fleas to be able to reproduce.
(2) Strategic tick and flea control is aimed at
a predetermined frequency of application. Take for example
Frontline Plus (ticks & fleas). The safety profile and the
efficiency duration dictate that the product should be applied
every 3 to 6 weeks. By applying Frontline Plus every month
irrespective weather your pet has ticks or fleas constitute
strategic control.
Other safe strategic tick and flea control products include Certifect
top spot (ticks & fleas), Advocate top spot (fleas), Advantix
top spot (ticks &
fleas), Advantage top spot (fleas), Comfortis tablets (fleas), Program
tablets (fleas) and the Preventic collar (ticks).
(3) Common instructions that are not followed include
incorrect application, bathing suggestions and frequency (or
infrequency) of
application. All top spot tick and flea treatment should be
applied in one or two spots on the skin (not on the hair)
between the shoulder blades. When long lasting
products such as top spots are used, the animal should not be
bathed three days before and/or three days after the
application. These products need the natural oils of the skin to
be absorbed into the bloodstream of the pet.
Oral tablets should generally be given with food.
other thing that must always be noted is the indicated species.
Pyrethroids and Pyrethrins (Advantix, Flego Aerosol, Ultrum
Duration) are poisonous to cats and fish and Fipronil (Frontline
Plus, Certifect) is poisonous to rabbits.
Double check on the package insert or consult an experienced
Veterinarian on the usage of certain products in certain
(4) According to the life cycle of fleas, the adult fleas
that you see on your pets only make up 5% of the total
infestation. In addition to pet treatment, for an effective,
holistic, flea control program it is advised to use an
environmental spray such as
Ultrum Duration Aerosol or
Flego Aerosol. These products can be used to spray in hard
to get places such as cracks and crevices, blankets and inside
dog kennels. Caution must be taken not to spray directly on
animals or their food and water or near fish.
(5) Tactical tick and flea control is aimed at
getting rid of the problem as it arises.
The next dosage, application or bath will then be anything from
two days to two weeks when ticks and fleas are seen again. These
products are usually used for their "knock down" effects, rather
than their durability.
These products mainly
include Capstar tablets (fleas), tick and flea shampoos, dips and
powders. Many owners give Capstar or bath an animal with a
treatment shampoo only when
they spot ticks or fleas. Tick and
flea shampoos, for example Ultrum Plus Dog Shampoo are also
often used for this purpose.
Some of the strategic tick and flea control products like
Frontline spray (ticks & fleas) and Certifect top spot can also be used once off for
their "knock down" effect as tactical tick and flea control.
The safer strategic products like Frontline Plus top spot and Advantage
can and sometimes should be used as a top up products.
Caution must also be taken when using tactical
tick and flea control products when using frequently! Because of
their short duration and necessity to do frequent
applications one must always make sure to use the
recommended application frequency mentioned on the product
label or package insert. Certain tactical flea
products, for example, might only be effective for 3 days, but
the indicated application frequency might only be once a week or
even once a month. By applying these products every 3 days might
cause a, sometimes lethal, overdose of the active ingredient. On
the other hand, by applying the product in accordance with the
recommended frequency instructions, it might not supply constant
flea management.
Thus saying, in the case where the tick and flea burden is
too high for strategic treatment on its own, safe tactical
treatment should be used fir a more holistic control program.
It must be said that because of the extend and the
proliferative nature of ticks and fleas, especially on the South
Coast, we at Vet Hospital Port Shepstone mainly promote tactical
control as the starting point of a strategic tick and flea
control program.
In pets, tactical
control on its own will always be inferior to strategic control. Very often your family Veterinarian will promote the use
of a tactical product on the day, followed by monthly strategic
control and sometimes top up treatments as necessary.
Fleas breed in your dog or cats environment. This includes
kennels, pet bedding, cracks, crevices and all sorts of dark,
warm, moist environments. Fleas are not only an outside problem,
they actually love the inside of your house, garage or covered
areas. In fact about 90% of your flea problem is in the
environment, not on your pets. Fleas only jump on pets in order
to obtain food (blood) necessary to reproduce. A pair of fleas
can produce dosens of offspring (once again hiding in the
It must also be noted that ticks and fleas will be
an ongoing concern. New parasites will always be
entering the environment through wild animals such as birds,
monkeys, strays or even from your neighbours property. When you
go for a walk on the beach and your dog is greeting another dog,
they will be sharing their fleas.
We at Vet Hospital Port Shepstone
promote tick and flea treatment 12 months of the year!
With long lasting systemic tick and flea products such as
Frontline Plus, Fiprotec, Capstar, Program, Comfortis, Certifect
(fleas), Advantix and Advantage, it must be realised that in
order for ticks and fleas to die, they must first suck the blood
of the animal. In other words, when using these products, the
ticks and fleas that you see on your pet today are not the ones
that you will see tomorrow. Those ones are new ones!
Contact tick and flea products such as Frontline Spray,
Certifect (ticks) and Preventic collars kill those parasites
whilst climbing on the pet.
All the products mentioned above have
different times of onset.
The fact is that in order to be
a registered tick and/or flea treatment and control product, it needs to go through
extensive and in depth pharmaceutical trials to prove a high
level (>90%) of efficiency. The most important aspect to
consider when a product is "ineffective" is the environment and
the mode of action (mentioned above). By seeing ticks and fleas
on your animal(s) does not mean the product in not working!
A good indicator in my opinion is when you,
in the case of fleas,
see flea dirt with or without fleas. This indicates that fleas
spend enough time on the animal to suck blood and to
defaecate. When using a registered product this very often
indicates that the control program is not effective.
In some cases it might be necessary to consult a
Veterinarian on the matter as inefficacy can also be due to
medical conditions for example certain skin conditions or
diseases. A trained paraveterinarian can also advise the most
appropriate product to be used for your pet(s). Sometimes it's not even ticks or fleas
causing the problems in the first place, for example
skin allergies, sunburn, skin infections etc.
In our experience,
when using top-spot treatments, the biggest inefficacy problems occur
when incorrect dosages are used, the product is not applied
correctly (i.e. on the hair) or when the animal got wet
before the product could be adequately absorbed.
Some products are effective in not only
ticks and fleas, but also other pesky parasites. These include:
Advantix for ticks, fleas and flies
Advocate for fleas, ear mites,
Demodectic and Sarcoptic mange, Heartworm,
Roundworms, Hookworms & Spirocerca lupi
Frontline Plus for ticks, fleas, Sarcoptic
mange and ear mites
Preventic for ticks,
Demodectic and
Sarcoptic mange
Sometimes due to various reasons a combination
of products is indicated. Common effective strategic
combinations include Advocate top spot (fleas) with a Preventic
collar (ticks) or Advantix top spot (ticks). Capstar and Program
and Comfortis
tablets can commonly be used in combination with any strategic
top spot product. The Preventic collar should not be used in
combination with Certifect as they both contain a similar active
When using two or more contact or oral tick and
flea treatment products in combination, one must always consult
an experienced Veterinarian on the safety issues.
Vet Hospital Port Shepstone carries en
extensive range of strategic and tactical tick and flea
treatment products including Advantage, Advantix, Advocate,
Capstar, Certifect, Comfortis, Fiprotec, Flego Aerosol,
Preventic, Ultrum Duration
Environmental Flea Spray, Ultrum Plus Dog Shampoo, Frontline Plus and Program.
As mentioned above, in order to
effectively control ticks and fleas, the minimum application
frequency must be less than the maximum efficacy. Click
for an easy to use table with all the most applicable
Our Doggie Bag Vet Shop also carries various
other, less popular, but financially more pleasing
tick and flea control products.