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Dog & Cat Bite Wounds


Dogs and cats with bite wounds are frequently presented at Vet Hospital Port Shepstone. Dogs get bitten by other dogs, family dog members, the neighbours’ dogs or stray dogs or by monkeys. Cats get bitten by dogs and other cats (most frequently stray cats). Although some cases are presented with only one or two puncture holes in the skin with minor bleeding, others can present as a major life threatening condition. One must remember that bite wounds are not only a physical occurrence causing damage to the victim, but also the introduction of a combination of bacteria into the affected tissues. All bite wounds have the following in common:

  • Skin penetration and/or lacerations

  • Minor or major bleeding

  • Subcutaneous bruising

  • Introduction of bacteria

  • Degree of pain

  • Degree of shock

Sometimes a patient is lucky where only skin and muscle tissues are affected. In some unlucky patients, essential structures like the following can also be affected:

  • Bones, causing bone fractures

  • The air pipe / trachea, causing obstruction of breathing

  • Superficial nerves, causing a degree of paralysis

  • Eyes, causing blindness

  • Major arteries or veins, causing almost instant death form bleeding out

  • Brain & spinal cord, causing a degree of brain damage or paralysis to the limbs

Irrespective of the severity, it is always recommended to have your dog or cat evaluated by a Veterinarian as soon as possible. Some cases need immediate attention while others can wait until the next morning. Do not wait and see if the wounds will heal on their own, rather seek veterinary attention. When there are multiple bite wounds, when the animal is in severe pain, recumbent or if you are unable to stop moderate or severe bleeding within minutes, your Veterinarian should be contacted immediately for intensive treatment. Most of these cases will need hospitalization.

Basic Home Care
• Stop the bleeding by applying constant pressure
• Wash and keep the wounds clean
• Keep the animal inside and warm
Never give human painkillers to dogs or cats without consulting with your veterinarian first!

The Contribution of Subcutaneous Bruising & Bacteria
Animal teeth are riddled with bacteria. After a penetrating bite this bacteria is introduced into the wound. In combination with bruising this makes the perfect place for bacteria to grow excessively. Antibiotics on its own are very often not enough to clear animal bite wounds. If these wounds are not properly cleaned, flushed and/or drained they will become septic and can abscessate. This typically happens a few days after the incident. When neglected, septic wounds on its own can become a live threatening condition.

Surgical Treatment
Most animal bite wounds are treated surgically. Mild or general anaesthesia is almost always indicated during the surgical cleaning and stitching of wounds. Many veterinary surgeons prefer to install temporary drains into bite wounds to allow wound drainage for a few days after the surgery. With large open wounds where stitching is impossible bandaging is preferred.

Shock Treatment
Before any surgical treatment and anaesthesia is indicated, bitten dogs and cats should first be declared stable. Traumatic shock is usually evident in more severe cases, but any bitten pet can develop shock up to a few hours after the incident. Dogs and cats that are already showing signs of shock, or where there is a suspicion that it can still happen, should get intensive shock treatment (including an intravenous drip and anti-shock medication) until their vitals are stable.

Prevention of Bite Wounds
Dogs and cats will fight and bite for various reasons. To aid in the prevention all animals should be sterilized, especially male dogs and cats. The best way to prevent fighting is by isolation from each other and to prevent dogs and cats from roaming. Very often fighting dogs and cats will continue fighting in the future if the situation allows.

A Note on Rabies & Human Bites
If your animal is still in the middle of a fight with an unknown stray dog, cat or monkey, refrain from interfering to prevent yourself from being bitten.
Also remember that some bite wound patients are extremely sore. Some animals might even bite their owners when touched.

When for whatever reason a human is bitten, seek medical attention immediately.

A Note on FIV / FeLV
Feline Aids (FIV) and Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) are mainly transmitted through cat bite wounds. Roaming cats should be vaccinated and regularly tested for these diseases.

Also see:

Frontline Plus
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